When you’re setting goals that are too far out of reach today – you’re setting yourself up for failure tomorrow.
If you’re familiar with our blogpost about ditching the all-or-nothing mentality (and how tweaking the action intensity of your habits can make a major difference) – then you’ll understand why these 17 micro habits ideas are meaningful.
Now, let’s have a closer look at 17 micro habits to keep you focused after bariatric surgery.
Use this checklist for inspiration and to reflect on your own goals.
Let’s get to it!
1. Add veggies to your breakfast
Adding vegetables to my breakfast, but why?
Let’s explain.
Protein is the key nutrient after bariatric surgery, but we can’t forget about the importance of vegetables (and fruit) too!
Vegetables contain a wide array of vitamins and minerals and they supply you with that much needed fiber.
So instead of plain scrambled eggs – add mushrooms, spinach or bell pepper to your meal. Instead of being bored with that same protein shake – make a quick breakfast bowl with some Greek yogurt and fresh berries.
Of course, only add fruit and vegetables when cleared by your surgeon. And choose the ones that you’re able to tolerate well.
2. Go to bed 10 minutes earlier
Did you know that the quality and length of your sleep can impact your weight loss progress?
Yep, it’s true.
When you sleep poorly, hunger hormones increase and unhealthy food choices become so much more appealing (we call this the hedonistic effect of food).
Working on a healthy sleep pattern isn’t a habit to underestimate. Especially after bariatric surgery!
3. Use your journal for 5 minute a day
If you know about our community, then you know that we’re a huge fan of journaling after bariatric surgery.
Did you know that writing down your goals makes it 42% more likely to actually nail them?
If you don’t know how to start – start with a few simple prompts per week.
Here’s 5 prompts to get started:
- Write down one thing you’re grateful for
- Write down your favorite non-scale victory
- Write down your “why” for bariatric surgery
- Make a meal plan for tomorrow
- Make a to-do list for tomorrow
4. Set a timer when you eat
This small habit can come a long way after bariatric surgery. By simply setting a timer during your meals – you’re creating awareness about the pace of your eating.
Because you already know that eating too fast can cause all sorts of issues, right?
Dumping syndrome, overeating and other digestive issues lurk around the corner when you don’t slow down.
Take this habit into consideration next time you’re sitting down for dinner.
5. Call a bari-bestie to vent
Going through the motions of your bariatric journey can feel lonely sometimes. And not everyone that’s close to you, will understand what you’re going through.
Here’s where your bari-bestie(s) chimes in!
If you don’t have a bari-bestie yet, you’ll sure find one on our free bariatric platform where meaningful connections are made every single day!
6. Prep 1 meal for tomorrow
Meal prepping after bariatric surgery can be a daunting task. Because:
- You simply don’t know what to eat
- You have too many food intolerances
- Your taste buds have changed – making it so much harder to choose your meals
Nevertheless, it’s important to get started with planning your meals ahead.
And here’s why.
By prepping your meals you’ll make it more likely to follow through and actually eat those meals. Even if you can’t finish it all – you’re already one step closer to hitting your protein goal for the day.
Also, meal prepping can give you peace of mind – knowing that you have a mini-plan to fall back on when your day gets hectic.
7. Tell your loved ones that you love them!
Not to sound gloomy or anything, but in all honesty we don’t know what tomorrow brings. It’s such a minor effort to tell your loved ones that you appreciate them.
And you know what they say right?
You get what you give.
Now, go ahead and tell your favorite person in the world you love them!
8. Tell yourself that you’re awesome
Telling your loved ones that you appreciate them is one thing, but speaking highly of yourself is an absolute must to create confidence.
Does that mean that you should brag and be arrogant?
No, that’s not what we mean.
But by telling yourself that you’re awesome and that you’re worthy of all the things that you wish for – you’re setting yourself up for success.
Remember, a winning mindset is also a positive mindset. And if you don’t think highly of yourself – who will you attract? What does that say about how others should treat you?
By setting high standards for yourself, you’re automatically upgrading your life.
One positive affirmation at a time!
9. Love yourself for not being perfect
Instead of focusing on your setbacks (and beating yourself up about it) – start learning from those downfalls.
You’re human. And that means that you’re allowed to make mistakes.
Learn from them. And improve yourself in small ways.
By loving your flaws – you will stand firmly in your own shoes. And don’t have to hide your true and authentic self.
Listen. Nobody is perfect. And the perfect bariatric patient doesn’t exist neither.
Give yourself grace for everything that you’ve accomplished already!
10. Try 1 new (bariatric) recipe every month
This takes us back to micro habit #6 – meal prepping. If you don’t know what to eat, it’s going to be a whole lot more challenging to make a plan.
By exploring new recipes, you’re adding new meal ideas to your favorite post-op meals. That way, you’ll automate the whole process of meal planning. And it will become so much easier to stick to your plan.
Hey, and if you don’t even know how to start – why not dive into our bariatric recipe blog right here?
11. Tell the scale it doesn’t define you
Raise your hand if you ever weighed more than twice a day?
Raise your hand if you ever weighed yourself – and felt crushed when the scale didn’t budge?
Raise your hand if you can’t control the urge to weigh yourself – even though deep down inside you know it doesn’t define your worth?
If you answered at least one of these questions with a “yes”, know that you’re not alone. And you’re not to blame.
However, it may be time to stop the scale from dictating your mood. And here’s how to do just that.
12. Let go of 1 negative thought
If you’re being more mindful throughout the day – you’ll notice many thoughts passing by. Some of them are already forgotten within seconds – while others linger in your mind.
And the ones that linger, are often the negative ones too….
Try creating more awareness around the thoughts that bring you down. Identify them. Sit with them. And start letting them go.
13. Manifest 1 positive thought
If you find yourself in a negative spiral – this exercise may be especially helpful.
And here’s how it goes.
Focus on 1 area of your life where you feel like things are going well for you right now.
Think about something that made you feel good recently.
Now, say that out loud. And manifest those feelings that come along with it.
It may sound a bit silly, but speaking your positive affirmations out loud, makes them more believable for your brain. And this in turn, helps you to create a new mindset.
Of course, this isn’t something that happens overnight. But by practicing 1 positive thought or affirmation on a daily basis – you’re building a new mentality – one thought at at time.
14. Plan a full day of ‘me-time’
Work. School. Family. Errands. Obligations.
There’s so much to do, in so little time, right?
And that’s why it’s important to clear your schedule every now and then to spend quality time with…YOU.
Pamper yourself. Do something you truly love. Buy yourself a thoughtful gift.
That way, you can recharge and become more productive the next day.
15. Pick a feel good outfit for tomorrow
Bariatric surgery can wreak havoc on your wardrobe (in a good and bad way).
You may be filled with joy cleaning out your closet with clothes that no longer fit. But it can also create a sense of sadness that you’re saying ‘goodbye’ to an old part of you. It can be quite emotional.
By finding your style – and picking out an outfit that you feel truly happy in – you’re working on self-care and self-love.
Because if you look good – you feel better too, right?
16. Turn off social media when you’re comparing
If you find yourself doom scrolling all night and watching other people gloat in their success stories, while you’re struggling right now – it can make you feel bad about yourself.
So, if you don’t have the head space right now – turn off all social media apps (and notifications) to focus on your own wins. It can be a breath of fresh air.
Feel free to unfollow other accounts that make you feel some type of way. Your mental health matters!
17. Let go of things you can’t control
And focus on the things that you CAN control. Here are 5 affirmations to practice to get you started:
“I will let go of the things that make me feel bad – but I cannot change”
“I am in control of how I feel – nothing or nobody can bring me down”
“I will focus on my wins today”
“I will celebrate the things that I’ve accomplished so far”
“I won’t be defined by the things that happened to me”
Final thoughts about 17 micro habits to keep you focused after Bariatric Surgery
The 17 micro habits in this post are examples to give you inspiration and to reflect on the habits you’ve set out for yourself.
And if you’re having a hard time getting started with changing your habits – then this bariatric mindset journal may be just what you need!
And remember, Rome wasn’t built overnight. It’s okay not to be perfect. And it’s okay to take your time to evolve in the person you truly want to be.
You got this and we’ll be here every step along the way!
The real transformation after Bariatric Surgery
Bariatric surgery is so much more than weight loss alone. The real transformation takes place in your mindset. If you continue to sabotage your own success and continue to let self-limiting beliefs get in the way – we have some inner work to do.
Your Onederland is your friendly bariatric community to remind you that in fact, you ARE capable of success. No matter how stuck you feel right now in changing your habits, it’s never too late to start again.
Log in to our community platform today to stay connected and know that you’re not alone. And feel free to send us a message anytime!
We’re here for you, because we care!
*Disclaimer: The information on our Instagram page, website, blogposts, e-mails and other (social) media platforms and channels as well as the community challenges we provide have been prepared solely for general educational purposes and should not be construed or relied on, nor is intended to be used or substituted for medical diagnosis, advice, or treatment. It should not be used to replace that of your surgeon, your dietitian, your therapist or other qualified medical professional or healthcare provider. Each individual and situation is fact-specific and the appropriate solution in any case may vary; therefore, these materials may not be relevant to your particular situation. While every attempt was made to ensure that these materials were accurate at the time of publication, errors or omissions may be contained therein, for which any liability is disclaimed. Should you have any health care related questions please contact your qualified health care provider as soon as possible. Never disregard medical advice or delay seeking advice because of information you have read or listened to on our websites and social media accounts. Communication on any of our platforms including comments, emails, the community challenges and direct messages does not constitute a therapeutic relationship.