by YourOne | May 2, 2024 | Appetite, Bariatric tips, Eating Habits, Grazing, Overeating, Restriction, Slider Foods
So you had bariatric surgery and you’ll never be hungry again….. UHHH…Hold on one second! If there’s one myth to bust right here and now, it’s the one where people think that bariatric surgery removes all hunger cues, forever. This simply...
by YourOne | May 2, 2024 | Bariatric Surgery, Bariatric tips, Eating Habits, Habits, Slow weight loss, Sugar, Weight Regain, Weight Stall
Okay, here’s a hard truth after bariatric surgery you might not expect: Bariatric surgery doesn’t necessarily bring your sugar cravings to zero. At least not for the long run. It can feel daunting when your sugar cravings return full force. And it raises...
by YourOne | Apr 17, 2024 | Accountability, Bariatric Surgery, Bariatric tips, Eating Habits, Habits, Slow weight loss, Weight Regain, Weight Stall
Bariatric surgery can be just the thing you’ve been waiting for all your life. Before taking this leap of faith you were struggling with losing weight – and most of all – keeping it off long term. And now that you’re on your bariatric journey,...
by YourOne | Dec 17, 2023 | Accountability, Bariatric tips, Eating Habits, Habits, Holiday Season
Ah the holiday season. For many such a wonderful time to enjoy cozy nights with friends and family. A time of the year to reflect on the past 12 months and how to move forward in the year to come. But there’s also a less glamorous side to the holiday celebrations. A...
by YourOne | Apr 18, 2023 | Appetite, Bariatric tips, Eating Habits, Protein, Restriction
What’s more challenging after bariatric surgery? Staying hydrated or meeting your protein goals? Well….the answer will be different for everyone. But we think you surely agree that getting every gram of protein in, is a fullI-time job where you’re...
by YourOne | Mar 3, 2023 | Bariatric tips, Comparison Trap, Eating Habits, Weight Stall
Weight stalls can be SO disheartening. You’re losing weight for weeks and then all of the sudden…your weight loss comes to a halt and you hit that infamous plateau. In this article, we’re going to explain why your weight may be stalling and if there’s something you...
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